Healthy Weight Loss Tips for Savvy Seniors

Weight loss is an important topic for people of any age, especially in the United States. Currently, more than one-third (41.9%) of US American adults are obese. The obesity rate is most severe for middle-aged people (Baby Boomers, age 45-64), but they’re also alarming for seniors (over 65). Nationwide, 38.5% of seniors are obese. That trend is concerning because obesity can lead to health risks such as stroke, cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. More than one-quarter of seniors have diabetes, which is the seventh-most common cause of death in the US. The Center for Disease Control estimates that one in three adults could have diabetes by 2050. That’s why it’s vital to slim down and keep the pounds off. To do it the safe way, read on for some tips and advice from Yoga Mind Over Matter.

Eating Right

Nutritionists often advise people trying to lose weight to follow the “80/20” rule. In other words, 80% of weight loss is eating right, while 20% is exercise. Which makes sense. Let’s say you walk 5 miles around the park. Afterwards, your FitBit tells you that you’ve burned 550 calories. But if you eat a waffle with syrup for breakfast, you’ve just consumed 500 calories, and you really only burned 50 calories.

So adopt a healthy diet. Eat whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean meats like chicken and omega-3 fish. Cut out trans fats and fast foods. No smoking, ever. And sodas? Down the drain! (They’re basically sugar in a bottle, anyway.)

Healthy Exercises

What about the “20” part of that rule? Despite the importance of nutritious foods, let’s not minimize fitness, either. Some of the advantages of exercise include brighter skin, greater energy, and the release of neurotransmitters that boost your mood. Another plus is sharpened focus, which is a boon for seniors, who are often more at risk of Alzheimer’s than young people.

Now consider which workouts are right for you. Especially if you have osteoporosis, or you suffer from past injuries, try low or moderate exercises. These might include yoga, pilates, cycling, swimming, or group aerobics.

For some fitness classes, you don’t even have to leave home. Online classes available from Yoga Mind Over Matter mean that you can get the gentle exercise you need from the convenience of home.

Prioritize Rest with a New Mattress

When you’re ramping up your exercise routine, prioritizing rest and recovery is just as crucial as the workouts themselves. In this context, investing in a new king-sized mattress can be a game-changer. A spacious, comfortable mattress can significantly improve the quality of your sleep, which is vital for muscle recovery and energy restoration. This may help enhance your performance and endurance in subsequent workouts.

Opting for a mattress made from plant-based materials that are low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) adds another layer of benefits. These mattresses offer excellent support and comfort while ensuring a healthier sleep environment, free from harmful chemicals. So, for those focusing on fitness, a king-sized, plant-based, low-VOC mattress isn’t just a luxury—it’s a smart investment in your health and wellness journey.

Improve Your Homespace

When it comes to exercise, one of the biggest problems that people of any age face is mustering the willpower to hit the gym. So consider installing a home gym. Find a place in your house that’s out of the way. That could be the attic, the basement, or, if you live somewhere like Florida or southern California, an enclosed patio. Then stock your gym with the equipment you want.

A space with dumbbells, resistance bands, and a yoga mat is a fully operational workout space that doubles as a meditation room. Relaxing decor and a comfortable chair are really all you’ll need. Getting comfortable with yourself, and with solitude, can come with as little as a twenty-minutes-per-day practice. Making time for yourself is essential for excellent health.

Adding indoor plants like the Hoya Lisa to your home gym can dramatically enhance its environment. Besides their aesthetic appeal, these plants are known to improve air quality by absorbing toxins and releasing fresh oxygen. The lush greenery and the subtle fragrance of the Hoya Lisa can create a calming atmosphere, which can help reduce stress and increase focus during workouts. Incorporating indoor plants in your home gym not only rejuvenates the space but also contributes positively to your mental well-being during fitness sessions.

Taking Care of Yourself

While tracking your BMI is important, too often we measure health by inches and pounds. Perhaps the essence of well-being is that inner glow that comes from being at peace. Stay active, but do the exercises you want to do. Change your diet, but don’t starve yourself on saltines and water. Instead, come up with some delicious vegetable recipes. And if you need to douse your broccoli or green beans with butter, give it a go. Better to indulge in a meal that’s bad for you once in a while than be miserable whenever you eat.

In all, treat yourself well. Sleep better with a new mattress. Watch your neighborhood wake up through your bay window. Think of all the accomplishments you’ve already had in life, and mark a path toward the future you want to embrace. That’s real health.